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Contact Lenses

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Many adults use some form of vision correction, and approximately 37 million Americans use contact lenses. Looking to learn more about how to get contacts, who should get them, or have other questions? Read on below to learn more about contacts and get answers to common patient questions.

Table of Contents:

  1. How do I get contacts?
  2. Who should get contacts?
  3. Do I have to choose between glasses and contacts?
  4. Can I sleep in my contact lenses?

At the Optical Center of Louisiana Eye & Laser we offer a full range of contact lens services under one roof. If you feel that contact lenses may better suit your lifestyle than wearing eyeglasses, make an appointment with our eye care experts today. You can make an appointment online, over the phone or at any of our 14 locations, right here in Louisiana! Read on below the form for more information about contacts.

Louisiana Eye & Laser Center - Eye Exam locations, monroe, eye care, alexandria

How do I get contacts?

The first step to getting contacts is to talk to your eye care provider. An eye exam for contact lenses is a bit different than a traditional eye exam, so you will need to let our team know in advance that you are interested in getting contacts. In addition to the traditional acuity tests, your doctor will ask you a series of questions, not just about your vision, that can help determine if contacts are right for you.

If you and your doctor decide that contacts are right for you, your doctor will then provide you with all the information you need to know about wearing contacts. When it comes to contacts, there are just as many options as there are for your glasses lenses. Once you’ve settled on the type of contacts you’ll be wearing, you’ll have a lens fitting where you actually try on your contact lenses. During this process, your doctor will work with you to make sure your contacts fit comfortably and work effectively. This may take a few follow up visits to complete, but then you’ll be on your way!

Who should get contacts?

Contacts can be a great alternative to glasses, depending on both your lifestyle and personal preferences. You may find that contacts are a better option if you:

  • Lead an active lifestyle, which glasses may impede
  • Are worried about your clothes clashing with your eyewear
  • Are frequently outdoors, as weather won’t impact contacts as much as glasses
  • Enjoy wider peripheral vision

Alternatively, glasses may be a better option if you:

  • Don’t like touching your eyes
  • Have eyes that are easily irritated
  • Work at a computer for extended hours
  • Have difficulty cleaning your contact lenses on a daily basis

couple with contacts

Do I have to choose between glasses and contacts?

Nope! In fact, many people who have contacts also have a pair of glasses with the same prescription just in case. There are many occasions where you may prefer to put on a pair of glasses instead of putting in your contacts. Conversely, there are many occasions when you may prefer to have contacts in rather than wearing your glasses. Many people even wear reading glasses while they have contacts in. So, no, you do not have to choose between glasses and contacts. In fact, we encourage you to have both!

Can You Sleep in Contact Lenses?

Contact lenses are one of the most popular choices for correction of refractive error. A common question that our doctors are asked about contact lenses is “can I sleep with my contact lenses in?” The answer to this question is simply no. Sleeping in your contact lenses is not healthy for your eyes and can cause lasting damage to your cornea. Although there are some brands of contacts that produce contact lenses that can be slept in, it is recommended that you take out your contacts and clean them with contact lens solution at the end of every day. Daily removal of your contact lenses will limit the chance of infection that could affect your vision. If you have any specific questions about contacts feel free to contact the eye experts at Louisiana Eye & Laser Center. Give us a call or fill out the online contact form below!


Contacts at Louisiana Eye & Laser

Contacts at Louisiana Eye & Laser

Getting contacts can be intimidating and may take some getting used to – especially if you’ve never had them before. At Louisiana Eye & Laser, we’ve been treating patients for over 40 years and our trained staff is here to help you at every step of the way. We’ve got all the latest technology from the biggest and best contacts manufacturers and the best eye care facilities around. If you’ve been considering contacts, come to Louisiana Eye & Laser to get the clear vision you deserve!