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Telemedicine Service Options

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At Louisiana Eye & Laser Center, we understand that eye emergencies are still occurring, and we are here to provide support to anyone who needs assistance during this time.

We are now offering Telemedicine services for patients with eye diseases, ongoing medical eye conditions or anyone experiencing issues with their eye or vision. Telemedicine offers video chat with an LA Eye and Laser doctor to determine if it is necessary to be seen in person at an LA Eye and Laser office. Telemed is not to be used for routine eye exams or emergencies.

All eye emergencies will continue to be seen in-house at LA Eye and Laser as mandated by the Government. If you are experiencing an eye emergency, please call 318-487-2020 and speak with an LA Eye and Laser representative to schedule your Emergency Eye Appointment.

In addition to following the CDC Guidelines for healthcare facilities and hospital settings and to protect our patients and our staff, we have implemented the following business operations protocols:

  1. We are reducing the number of patients being seen on a given day by rescheduling appointments.
  2. We have reduced the number of staff members coming into our facilities
  3. We are sanitizing all surface areas multiple times a day in addition to our normal cleaning procedures.
  4. All emergency eye patients will be required to adhere to the following patient visit protocols:
    1. We are asking patients who have shown any respiratory symptoms, have had a fever, or have been traveling to reschedule their appointment
    2. We are only allowing one person to accompany a minor or disabled person to limit the number of people in our waiting rooms.
    3. We are screening all patients before they enter our waiting rooms with a questionnaire and temperature check. Anyone who falls into a risk category for carrying COVID-19 will not be allowed in our waiting areas.

It is in everyone’s best interest to have an abundance of caution during these times. Thank you for your patience, cooperation and for choosing Louisiana Eye & Laser Center – we look forward to serving you and your family!