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Brotox at The Aesthetic Center at Louisiana Eye and Laser

It might not be immediately obvious why men are opting to receive Botox. After all, cosmetic and aesthetic procedures are something traditionally associated with women. However, there’s no reason for them not to; if a man feels like Botox will improve his appearance, he should try it!

Men receive the same benefits that women do from Botox: the barely invasive, non-surgical procedure helps you look younger by targeting common wrinkle areas like the corners of the eyes, between the eyebrows, the forehead, and around the mouth. One treatment will “freeze” wrinkles by weakening the muscle contractions that cause them for up to three months or sometimes longer.

Botox may not only improve your overall appearance, but your self-confidence. With people staying in the workplace longer, its important to stay competitive by looking and feeling your best. Younger men can even get preventative Botox in their twenties to help slow down the formation of wrinkles. So ladies, next time you schedule your lunch hour Botox appointment, you might want to invite your husband! Call Donna McMickens, our Aesthetics Center Director and Licensed Injectable Nurse at 318-561-0916 to schedule your free consultation today!