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Eye Doctor Near Jasper, Texas

Live life to the fullest with the clear vision you deserve! Located just across the state line and a short drive from Jasper, Louisiana Eye & Laser is your destination for quality eye care. With the latest in eye care technology and a wide range of services, we pride ourselves on providing our Jasper patients with the best care possible.

Over the last 40 years, Louisiana Eye & Laser has become one of the region’s most trusted eye care providers. We proudly provide top-notch eye care to patients from Jasper at our nearby office in Leesville, LA. In fact, we currently have many patients from Mississippi, Arkansas and Texas, including from Jasper! If you would like to learn more about our services, insurance coverage options, or schedule an appointment with our Leesville location, give us a call, contact us online or drop by our office.

What services does Louisiana Eye & Laser of Leesville offer?

At our Leesville location, we offer everything from basic eye exams to the most cutting-edge surgical procedures. We regularly treat patients who need LASIK, cataract surgery, dry eye treatment and other procedures. However, if you just need contacts or glasses, our Optical Center has you covered. At Louisiana Eye & Laser, we offer all of the benefits and services of a big-city practice, right down the road in Leesville!

eye exam

Routine Eye Care and Eye Exams

Routine eye exams are a key part of staying healthy and protecting your eyes. Routine care can help catch eye disorders like glaucoma in the early stages rather than after the damage has been done. Sometimes, you may not even realize you have a disorder, as many impairments don’t show early signs. Make sure you visit us for a routine eye exam to maintain your health. At our Leesville location, we work with patients of all backgrounds and ages. We recommend that children regularly see an optometrist after they turn six.

Blade-Free LASIK

Laser vision correction can treat nearsightedness, farsightedness and astigmatism. Through the years, LASIK has become one of the safest, quickest, and most-effective medical procedures around. Louisiana Eye & Laser proudly offers blade-free LASIK, which is the most effective procedure for reshaping corneas. Many patients report clearer vision shortly afterwards and some patients even experience vision greater than 20/20.

Glaucoma Treatment

Glaucoma can be difficult to treat without early detection and can lead to blindness if it goes untreated. There are typically few symptoms in the early stages of glaucoma. If you are experiencing loss in your peripheral vision or if you are seeing rainbows around lights, contact our office immediately. Nerve and vision damage from glaucoma cannot be reversed, but remaining vision can be salvaged when glaucoma is treated early.

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Retina Surgery

The retina is an essential part of the eye that processes light and color. The retina basically tells the brain what the eye is looking at by sending signals through the optic nerve. In fact, without our retinas, seeing would be impossible! Unfortunately, there are many types of retinal disease that can damage your vision. If you are experiencing flashes of light or floaters in your vision, you may be displaying symptoms. The experts in our Monroe office can help detect and treat damage to your retina with routine exams and advanced procedures.

Cataract Surgery

Cataracts are a common disorder that essentially makes the natural lens cloudy. If left untreated, cataracts can eventually cause blindness. Fortunately, cataract surgery is an extremely safe and routine procedure that we can provide in our Leesville office. The procedure often takes 10 minutes or less and patients usually make a full recovery within a few weeks. You can visit our office, call or go online for more information about cataracts, symptoms and treatment.

Dry Eye Treatment

Dry Eye is a disorder in which a person is unable to produce enough quality tears to lubricate and protect the eye. Dry Eye is caused by either a lack of tears or a lack of nutrients within the tears produced. If you think you may have Dry Eye, our eye care professionals can generally diagnose you through a standard examination. If necessary, they may measure your tear film quality and aqueous levels in order to make a diagnosis. Then, depending on your individual needs, we can recommend different treatment solutions that range from simple environmental changes or over-the-counter drops to prescription medication or surgery.

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Choose Louisiana Eye & Laser

If you live in or around Jasper, Texas and are looking for an eye care center, look no further than Louisiana Eye & Laser. Just a short drive away, we’ll be happy to help with all of your eye care needs. Whether you simply need an eye exam or if you require optical surgery, we have all of the latest tools and treatments to provide you with the quality care you deserve.

Our office in Leesville is currently accepting new patients. If you have questions about insurance or need to schedule an appointment, visit our office, give us a call or schedule online.