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How Often Should I Get New Glasses?


How Often Should I Get New Glasses?

Not sure if you need new glasses? LA Eye and Laser is here to help you figure out if it’s time to change your specs!  With over 40 years of experience, we know each and every patient is different. While everyone should get a regular eye exam, not everyone needs glasses with a new prescription every time they visit the eye doctor.  Depending on the person, most people may need new glasses every one to three years. If you are unsure of whether or not it’s time for a new pair of glasses, there are several important factors to consider. 

Below you will find some common situations that may let you know it’s time for a new prescription or a new pair of glasses! If you are experiencing any of these problems, Contact LA Eye today to schedule an appointment today!

How Often Should I Get New Glasses?

You Squint or Get Headaches When Focusing

As most people with less than perfect vision know, squinting does provide a slight increase in your visual clarity. By squinting, you decrease the amount of light entering your eye, which basically allows you to focus on one particular object; this is called the pinhole effect.  You may not even realize that you are squinting at first, but ultimately you will notice a strain on your eyes. This added tension can even lead to headaches as you try to make up for your old prescription. If you are squinting or experiencing headaches when you focus your vision, it may be time to schedule an eye exam to update your prescription.

Your glasses are scratched or damaged

Scratched lenses can impair your ability to see clearly and even negate the point of having glasses in the first place.  Unfortunately, scratched lenses cannot be fixed and must be replaced. If your frames are scratched or bent, they may become too tight and can hinder your vision as well.  Your eye care professional can help you determine whether damaged frames can be restored or if they need to be replaced. If you have scratched or damaged glasses you may want to consider ordering a new set of lenses or getting a complete new set of glasses. 

You want new glasses 

Your glasses not only shape the way that you see the world – they shape the way the world sees you!  The fashion world is constantly changing, as are our everyone’s tastes and preferences. If your glasses no longer suit your style, don’t wait until your next eye exam to update your look.  You can get the new look you deserve with the same prescription you need by visiting your eye care provider today.

How Often Should I Get New Glasses?

You’ve Had Your Current Pair of Glasses Too Long

Wearing old eyeglasses can be detrimental to your sight – even if your prescription still seems to be working.  You may or may not notice your vision slowly deteriorating since you last replaced your glasses or you may even begin seeing double. These and other symptoms become increasingly likely the longer you have the same pair of glasses. You may wonder how long a a pair of glasses should last. If you have had your current pair of glasses for several years, it is probably time to update your prescription even if you haven’t noticed a change.  Schedule an eye exam and ask your doctor whether your old glasses are still sufficient or if it may be time for a change.

Come Visit Louisiana Eye & Laser!

If you need new glasses, Contact Louisiana Eye & Laser today!  With 13 locations across the state and over 40 years of experience, there is no better option for new glasses in Louisiana.  At Louisiana Eye & Laser, we have all of the latest technology, as well as all of the hottest eyewear trends. Whether it’s an old prescription, damaged glasses or the latest fashion, we’ve got you covered!